City awards grant to free nursery project

We have exciting news! The City of Seattle Dept. of Neighborhoods has awarded a Small Sparks grant to the Howell Collective Garden / Hypha Free Nursery project. We will also be partnering with youth from the Lambert House for this project. Lambert House is a center on Capitol Hill for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and questioning youth that empowers youth through the development of leadership, social, and life skills. Lambert House youth have been gardening at the Howell Collective since 2013 and are eager to take their skills to the next level. They will be setting up a seed germination station and caring for plant starts that we will then give away to the community.

We have three plant gifting events in the planning stages for 2014, tentatively planned to coincide with Native Plant Appreciation week in April, National Pollinator Week in June, and a Fall Harvest celebration with a seed swap and perennial shrub giveaway.

Stay tuned for more details! Thank you to the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods for partially funding this project!
